Οδηγίες παρασκευής Διοξειδίου Χλωρίου με NaClO2 25% HCl 5%.

Instructions for preparation of Chlorine Dioxide with NaClO2 25% HCl 5%

Chlorine Dioxide Miracle Mineral Solution Universal Antidote (MMS/CDS/CDS) Chlorine Dioxide, or MMS, or Master Mineral Solution, is the mineral/chemical solution, which is used to help patients regain their health. To make MMS, two ingredients need to be mixed in equal amounts. The [...]

5 λόγοι που οι οδοντίατροι συνιστούν διοξείδιο του χλωρίου.

5 reasons dentists recommend chlorine dioxide

5 REASONS WHY DIODIATRISTS RECOMMEND Mouthwash Mouthwash Chloe dioxide Do you have a love-hate relationship with your mouthwash? You know what we're talking about ... after the initial burn, your mouth feels pretty fresh. But an hour and two cups of coffee later, what happens? Yes, the terrible dry mouth and the "taste" [...]

Διοξείδιο του χλωρίου το παγκόσμιο αντίδοτο.

Chlorine dioxide the global antidote

Chlorine dioxide the global antidote Chlorine dioxide is so global that NASA named it, in 1988, the "global antidote". It is much more than an antiseptic that only a complete idiot would call bleach. The American Society of Analytical Chemists declared in 1999 that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful killer [...]

Τι είναι το Διοξείδιο του Χλωρίου.


Chlorine Dioxide ClO2 What is Chlorine Dioxide and why it is censored worldwide. Chlorine Dioxide is a substance, which in chemistry, its molecule consists of one chlorine atom together with two oxygen atoms ClO2. Many people, whether intentionally or not, associate Chlorine Dioxide with chlorine, which everyone [...]